B2B Database Website | What Is It & What Doest It Do?

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August 29, 2022

What is a B2B database website?

B2B database websites may refer to online databases that store data about businesses that one needs to do market research or marketing.

A B2B database website can provide anything from companies’ addresses, websites, revenue to company size and a lot more.

A B2B database website can also be understood as a tool that gives access for company data to its clients. This tool provides a set of filters that allow users to get the contact information of key decision-makers and other company data.

It’s also known as a B2B leads database. This software is designed specifically for lead generation or sales prospecting.

What does a B2B database website do?

A B2B database website as a lead database can be very helpful for your sales team to generate more leads and sales.

A good B2B leads database will tremendously facilitate your lead generation effort by enabling you to get accurate contact information of your targeted audience or decision-makers such as email address and phone number.

Lead generation is a vital part of any company’s growth strategy. It’s the step right before sales generation. If you do well with lead generation, you’re probably going to do well with sales.

If your lead generation isn’t working effectively, your business will crumble fast.

How to pick an excellent B2B leads database for your business?

A bad b2b leads database can cost you a good amount of money, time and effort. Therefore, you will need to avoid them at all costs.

The fact is that there are more bad databases on the Internet than good ones. It might be difficult for beginners to know how to separate good ones from bad ones.

The best way to figure this out is by trying them out. However, picking the right ones to try is as important because doing so properly will help you minimize the risks for your business.

Make sure you’ll try the ones that offer the following:

  • Free trials. Free trials give you an understanding of how it really is to actually use their service.
  • No credit card is required. Just don’t put any of your card information in there and you’ll have a good night sleep. Many people are dumbfounded when they realize that they got charged with a lot of money for months, and I’m sure you don’t want to be the case.
  • Excellent support. Software is usually quite challenging for beginners. Make sure you’ll get fast support response so that you can save money and time to do something else.
  • Refund policies. With refund policies, you can get something back in case you’re not satisfied.
  • Online tools and software usually provide their users with discounts. Make sure you ask for this before paying because it can save you a lot of money.

Limeleads – a leading B2B leads database – provides all the above-mentioned and more. We make sure to become your partner toward your lead generation success.

Simply sign up for a free account and get free trials to test our data and service.

For every plan, we offer our clients a $79 detailed cold email course so that you’ll make the most out of your time and investment.

If you have any concerns or questions, do not hesitate to have a live chat with our customer support, we’ll try our best to help you out.

Outreach strategy that works

Now that, let’s say you have a sizable list of good prospects, the next thing you want to do is reaching out to them.

Outreach is a long game but if you do it properly, you will generate excellent revenue for your business.

Two of the most popular outreach strategies are cold calling and cold emailing.

Cold calling and cold emailing each has their own pros and cons. However, cold emailing has been becoming increasingly popular among digital marketers thanks to its ability to reach out to a large number of prospects fast and at a low cost.

Cold calling

Cold calling is probably the oldest form of outreach, it has been around since the birth of telephones.

Despite many disadvantages, many businesses around the world are relying on it for lead and sales generation.

However, its popularity has decreased over the past decade. Let’s talk about some of the most well-known cold calling’s pros and cons.

Cold calling’s pros

  • When done perfectly, it has the highest conversion rate, meaning it can generate sales very fast.
  • It’s generally not as complicated as the other outreach methods such as cold emailing
  • It’s easy to start, all you need is a telephone and some cold calling scripts

Cold calling’s cons

  • Nobody can deny that cold calling can easily cause frustration to the call receivers.
  • Continuing running cold calling can be hard since the initial results are usually very disheartening.
  • Running cold calling at a large scale can be expensive.
  • You don’t reach as many prospects as cold emailing does.
  • It’s hard to track the performance since many prospects who received your calls may turn into your clients on other channels such as websites, social media, etc.

Cold emailing

Cold emailing is becoming popular day after day. It allows businesses to reach a large number of prospects very fast.

It’s also affordable and much less annoying when compared to cold calling.

Cold calling isn’t perfect, it usually takes time to convert prospects into leads and paying clients. It also can become complicated when running on a large scale.

Nonetheless, it’s still the most effective outreach method today.

As said, cold emailing can be complicated and challenging, especially for beginners. Below are our cold emailing practices you should know about.



Call emailing best practices.

Ensuring that you follow cold emailing best practices that have been proven to be effective by experts will help you minimize risking your time, effort and investment tremendously.

Of course, the following strategies only work when you already ensured the accuracy and quality of your prospects because you can never reach out successfully to people with invalid email addresses.

Optimize for email deliverability.

Many of our clients reported that they initially had a good open rate but then, it declines significantly despite using verified email addresses from us.

This might due to the fact that you haven’t set up some of the key parameters for deliverability.

Make sure you get DNS records, SPF, DMARC and DKIM records set up properly. You can get this done by yourself by following guides from the Internet, or you can just hire an email marketer to do this for you, it’s one-time and low-cost.

There are several more reasons that cause a plummet in your open rate. Let’s continue reading this article.

Warm up your sending email addresses

Newly created email addresses usually don’t do well with deliverability, especially when they haven’t been warmed up.

To warm up your sending email addresses, simply do the following:

  1. Sign up for some popular newsletters on the Internet
  2. Use the email address to create social media profiles.
  3. Use the email address to upload some videos on Youtube and engage with other videos
  4. Send emails to your friends and colleagues and get a 100% open and reply rate.
  5. You can use some email warm-up services to do this for you but make sure you’ll pick the most reliable one. These services usually have an automatic system to give your email addresses 100% open and click rate for a certain period of time depending on your plans. But anyways, they are still an automatic system and email providers such as Gmail may know it already.

Start slowly

The most common mistake is sending hundreds of cold emails on the first days. Doing this is very risky because you may get your domain blacklisted.

And once your domain is blacklisted, it’s very hard to remove the penalty. The consequences are that your email won’t be able to reach your prospects and also your website’s traffic can be negatively affected.

Therefore, make sure you start sending cold emails slowly. In your first few weeks, you should not send more than 50 cold emails per day.

Then, increase the number of sent emails slowly per week. Make sure you keep an eye on your open rate to adjust further for maximum results.

Optimize your email subject for an optimum open rate

Your email subjects are as important as anything else for the success of your cold emailing campaigns.

Luckily, this part isn’t complicated, the only thing you need to do is following the best practices below:

  • Spend the time and effort to craft the most appealing email subjects for open rate
  • Keep your email subjects concise and within 60 characters.
  • Do not include spam-triggering words in the subjects such as free, sale, discount, get it now, buy now, coupon, etc.

Optimize your message for engagement.

Marketers usually make mistakes by sending lengthy emails that describe how great they are and the features they have instead of highlighting what they can do to help businesses overcome challenges.

Your emails should be as concise as possible and have a call to action so that the recipients can easily visit & view the parts that you’re talking about.

You should also present your ideas in bullet points for optimal readability. A well-designed email layout helps the recipients read more easily and keep them engaged.

Email automation.

Email automation tools and software will help you save time and effort running your cold email campaigns significantly.

These tools allow you to schedule email sequences to be sent at a designated time and based on certain types of actions that your prospects have taken such as open, click, etc.

They also provide marketers with performance summaries and details in a user-friendly and eye-catching dashboard so that you can optimize your campaigns more easily.

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